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Earth Day 2017 Act & Spread to the world


Today I hope you don’t mind, I want to share with you info , reflections and decisions connected with my personal life. Like most of people I have limited knowledge on the science connected to climate change (which is huge topic), but I love to learn and reflect about it. I always doubt about information […]

World Water day – Green tips

World Water Day by STouW 2017

I found the UN water report very interesting, I am happy to share green tips and new projects and initiatives already implemented to solve the water issue. I like to face problems in a constructive way: approaching them from the solutions already existing and reflecting how I can improve them. This is something I always […]

Decarbonizing tourism: would you pay US$ 11 for a carbon-free holiday?

According to a new study published in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism the damaging effects of CO2 emissions from tourism could eventually be eliminated if travelers paid just US$11 per trip. Professor Scott, found that the most cost effective strategy for the tourism industry to meet the United Nations’ recommended targets of reducing carbon emissions, includes […]

Responsible and sustainable gifts ideas

Hello everybody, after a while thinking about what to give to my loved ones, I have decided to share few responsible and sustainable Christmas gifts ideas. Let me say, the best present ever is always to give time to your family & friends, making cookies for example, but in case you need some other ideas […]

3 words linked to biofuel: innovation, sustainable development & food

It is easy to understand where biofuel meets innovation, the more problematic is the link among biofuel, sustainable development and food. As showed in this article biofuel reduces the carbon intensity of commercial flights and it can also reduce particulate matter emissions by 3 percent, addressing the growing problem of air pollution near airports and metropolitan […]