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Sailors for Sustainability: Italian adventure 2017

Welcome to the 3° meeting  with Sailor for Sustainability! You can read who they are here! This time I want to share the adventures and solutions Ivar and Floris discovered in Italy. I made this choice for 2 reasons: they just left Italy towards a different country and they celebrated 1 year of adventures this year. […]

Sustainable Tourism World News: Kosciuszko National Park

Ecotourism Destination Certification - KNP announcement Nov16

It is beautiful to share about organisations I met a few years ago! 🙂 Australia’s first ecotourism certified destination is Kosciuszko National Park One of New South Wales’ most popular tourism destinations, Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) has achieved Australia’s first Ecotourism Destination Certification, through Ecotourism Australia’s ECO certification program that recognises best practice of sustainable […]

Sustainable Tourism World community welcomes

ethnotourism - Bríripa community - Costa Rica - Sustainable Tourism World

´Honoring the efforts of 169 Convention about Indigenous and Tribal people, where the main objective is: the respect and rights of the control of their own institutions, lifestyle, economic developments, strength  the identity and religion[1], we build  a project  where innovate and diversify tourism services through  real experiences and respect in our ethnic communities. […]

sustainable tourism in Italy

sustainable tourism: An example of excursionism in Italy

Italy is characterized a lot of local beauties such as art and nature. But do tourists pursue both equally? Unfortunately, there’s a clear favorite: while art and architecture draw waves of tourists to historic centers, Italy’s natural treasures are still enjoyed by only a small number of travelers. So, I’m here to focus on Italian sustainable […]

Sustainable Tourism World community is growing – Michela Serafino has joined us!

sustainable tourism world - change maker - Michela-Serafino-profile

Michela Serafino, a talented and passionate graduate in tourism, cultural heritage and local development has joined our Sustainable Tourism World community to help us make the difference and to specialized in web marketing . She is passionate about art, culture and sustainable development and she is pursuing her dream of working in that sector. Please join […]