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The Ten Thousand Beings – no profit association

Carolina Oro

The Ten Thousand Beings – no profit association Carolina Oro is talking about her no-profit association: The Ten Thousand Beings (Le Diecimila Creature, in Italian) It is a place for sharing and co-creating sustainable projects. We promote the vision of all-encompassing living complexity, believe we are all interconnected and think that collaboration and co-creation are […]

Biosffer Dyfi Biosphere, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Wales, UK

Dyfi UNESCO Biosphere Reserve _countryside

Discover the Biosffer Dyfi Biosphere, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Wales, UK Welcome to the Dyfi Unesco Biosphere Reserve, an exceptional and beautiful place in the heart of Wales, United Kingdom. “Biosffer Dyfi Biosphere” is a bilingual title – Welsh and English. The area around the river Dyfi is a special place to live, work, and visit—special […]

Sustainable tourism in Brazil

Brazil Sustainable tourism STW

Ceará Aquarium, Brazil. Responsible? Sustainable? Is it at least finished? 2014 – 2024 Never finished with a considerable costs, the aquarium is now (10 years later) donated to the university. The donation of the Acquario to the UFC was announced at a ceremony at the headquarters of the Ceará government, the Abolição Palace, attended by […]

Sustainable tourism thesis – Albergo Diffuso tourism project

Sustainable tourism thesis 4 - Lake Como - around Gnallo

Sustainable tourism thesis: Albergo Diffuso tourism project On this page, we are sharing information taken from my master’s degree thesis: the Albergo Diffuso (a sustainable tourism project made in Italy): This is a summary of my dissertation:Albergo Diffuso (AD) is a sustainable formula for tourist development. It is a project for Lario’s and Ceresio’s Valleys. […]

North Devon and South West England – 2012

summer 2012 in the UK Bristol (19)

North Devon and South West England This is an amazing part of my job: travelling around and discovering beautiful places. Fortunately, sometimes somebody joins me. Discovering South West England – Trip 1 was my first weekend outside the borders of North Devon. Alessandro and I went to Bristol, Bath, Stonehenge and Salisbury. Trip 2 was […]