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About Sustainble Tourism World

Sustainable Tourism World

Welcome to Sustainable Tourism World!!

This project came from a need I had when looking for information for my thesis in 2011.

I could not find any helpful website to give me info about sustainable tourism and what it is possible to do as a sustainable tourism operator. So I began working on it while writing my thesis and slowly understood and improved my ideas.

What I like most about websites is they can change, even every day, without wasting paper or space.. they simply can follow your mind.

The website is the result of my experiences as sustainable tourism and social media consultant, personal experiences as a tourist and suggestions from readers, collaborators and friends. It has become a place where people can discuss and share about sustainability and tourism. My greatest hope for the future is to see it grow and become a reference for people interested in sustainability and sustainable tourism.

The website is a platform where workers, students and interested people can introduce themselves, write about their work/school experience, give access to others’ experiences and keep in touch with like-minded people.

Through the website, I want you to discover also how beautiful our world is and how many gorgeous places is possible to find if you choose more sustainable tourism. This is a hidden world, and we think it is essential to know and appreciate the world of people who want to offer the best for you and our common future.

Summarising the subjects of the platform are:

tourism businesses include accommodation providers, the catering and food industry, experience providers and operators, also tourist attractions.
destinations managed by the public sector, community organizations or non-profit organizations.
community involvement projects

I am happy to listen to and consider every suggestion and advice about this project, and if someone would join, I’ll be thrilled! I am always looking to meet new people & sharing new experiences!

Sara Vitali

SKÅL international Lombardia supports this project

 This site is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. It cannot therefore be regarded as an editorial product under Law No. 62 of 7.03.2001. The author of the site is not responsible for the content of the comments to the post, nor the content of websites "linked". Some text and images included in this site are taken from the internet and therefore considered public domain, if their publication violated any copyrights, please send an e-mail ( and it will be immediately removed