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Charity work in Africa: support Women project in Tanzania 2014 - 2024

Hurumia Watoto Group Organization Tanzania-TWAM

Are you interested in supporting the charity work in Africa? Hurumia Watoto organisation is developing a woman project in Tanzania.


Hurumia Watoto Group Organization The Hurumia Watoto Organization centre (HWO) is a community-based organization which became affiliated to the TANZANIA Community based option for protection and organization of widows and women, health and AIDS infection, and children.   

Historical Development

The Hurumia Watoto centre (HWO) is a small, non-governmental organization committed to social justice through community empowerment. HWO was established in 2006 but became a legal entity in 2007 with a community at grass roots lower level, its work focusing on mobilizing and strengthening communities to urgently support the basic needs of widows, women, young females and children.

Hurumia Watoto Group Organization Tanzania-helping-widows
Hurumia Watoto works toward a shared vision of creating awareness and in corporation of widows, women, young females and children, homeless children, child workers, and sexually harassed children in rural and urban areas. Its programme and activities are in Mwanza City, in Tanzania, its headquarter at Nyakato in Ilemela District in Mwanza City,&Simiyu region. The density populated areas of STIs/HIV prevalence are due to large business populations in neighboring countries.


The main objective of Hurumia Watoto (HWO) is to alleviate poverty through capacity building in the community and educational support.

Income generating activities, ignorance through rising awareness on the rights of widow’s children and women in general.

We also aim to reduce the spread of diseases, especially with HIV/AIDS prevention among widows, women, young females and children and the community in general by enhancing collaboration with other partners with the same objectives.


– participate in activities aimed at improving the welfare of widows, women, young females and children in the community

– develop a resource center for
information dissemination and capacity building

– promote and preserve the environment

– teach and support widows, women and younger females to become self reliant, such as through vocation training

– develop water resources and health among workers.

 What We Do

  • Support HIV/AIDS afflicted widows, and help women, young females and their children to live healthy lives, and to help them meet their basic needs.
  • Empower women to meet their basic needs, with health and medical treatment.
  • Support children through education, health and shelter.
  • Facilitate environment change, such as by planting trees and green areas.
  • Invite community groups, institutions, churches, schools and the local government to find ways how to reduce the sexual harassment of widows, women and young females, orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Organize community sustainable projects and equip youth with skills and knowledge.
  • Help to improve water and sanitation conditions.
  • Educate the community regarding the role of women today, sexual harassment to widows and women, and the role of children in development.

Hurumia Watoto has about seven programmes in the district of Ilemela.

The organization has supported vulnerable widows, women and children through education and income generating activities to their families in order to help them meet their basic needs in the Ilemela district since 2006, but work effectively began in 2007 when the organization became legally registered, which has given us the opportunity to gain experience in working with the community and to put together a team of competent members.

Hurumia Watoto Group Organization Tanzania-helping-widows aids

 Project In Progress

Hurumia Watoto organization projects include tailoring and embroidery supported by the Tanzania Development Trust in UK. The project which runs to date helps widows and their children with HIV/AIDS in Mwanza village, while it manages vocation computer training supported by tools with a mission in UK (TWAM) and sewing and tailoring training to support the children programme, HIV/AIDS counseling and medical care support, nutrition and treatment to HIV/AIDS women, children and widows in our community in Mwanza, Tanzania. 

 Current Partner Organizations we work with (2024 updates)


The Women groups I have supported when working at our sewing project since 2007  and successful stories

“I am happy to inform you that I am now a fashion designer with a reputable industrial company in Mwanza. Our work is to make company uniforms that include overalls, aprons, etc. Allow me therefore to thank you and all your staff for the careful training extended to me during the timeI spent on tailoring course there. Bravo HWG/TWAM!” Evelyn Stephan “I wish to thank Tools with a Mission for supporting and enabling me to have basic tailoring course at a minimal cost. I could never believe what would happen to me the day I joined HWG training centre. I had always liked using a sewing machine after dropping out of school but had no idea whether I was any good. The care that HWG trainers offered enabled me to achieve my long term objective. Equipment supplied by TWAM made this possible for me and I am indeed indebted.” Luja Malugu“We wish once again to thank you for your generosity and may God Bless You.” Albert KahaiReference on TWAM (UK)2010 news letter.


We have also focus to start Vocational school construction in January 2015, Efforts has already started by making handmade bricks we need to start a big sewing and embroidery project to help women whole district and another neighbor areas.

We highly need support for this.

   Hurumia Watoto Group Organization Tanzania-helping-widows aids mixing colours

The women had worked very hard, and had been encouraged to form their own working schedules based on the required 30 hours a week. But each woman had made it her duty to come every day from 9:00 am till 4.30pm. They all worked diligently, knowing that they would earn something in return. This project involve currently 60 women from different places all these are involved in tailoring project.  Who work as accountants only 4 few with different role and we have this sewing centre in different part.

Another New proposed Sewing machines project: To reduce women  poverty in Mwanza and Simiyu region  municipality we are introducing sewing machines project in which most young women/women and widowed and those most vulnerable families  will undertake embroidery, arts and design skills, and tailoring training including promotion of  manufactured clothing  fashion marketing products. many different sewing machines will be  purchased. We help the poor rural communities help themselves with the mission to empower and improve the poor people’s opportunities to access skills and revolving fund to eradicate the root causes of poverty on local communities so as to enable them attain self-reliance sustainability through setting up their individual viable/profitable micro business to generate income for their families this is done through working in the new proposed sewing centre


The HWG Sewing Factory Centre will provide skills for the vulnerable; create employment and income bringing about new possibilities to the community as a whole. The goal is to have the Factory complete and totally fitted out by 2015.


  1. To teach vulnerable young people (especially LCV children) the sewing skills to become self-reliant and produce articles for sale to the community.
  2. To supply the community with items like school uniforms and other clothing at reasonable prices.
  3. To sustain HWG as a profitable business that benefits the community Sustainability.
  4. To create ongoing employment and skills training for members of the community.


Would you like updates? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Albert. 

Albert Kahai
Founder and Projects Director
Phone number: +255765 433802, +255766 472333
organization email:
(HWO) Hurumia Watoto Organization Centre

Hurumia Watoto Group Organization Tanzania-helping-widows aids certifications

Sustainable development & Women empowerment through vocational training in ICT

Sustainable development & Women empowerment in Tanzania


Tanzania suffers from a high unemployment rate, especially among young people. The International Labor Organization estimates that unemployment among young people between the age of 15 and 24 is up to twice as high as the general population. Recent years have also seen a simultaneous development of growing unemployment alongside even higher numbers of educated jobs seekers. In fact, of 27 unemployed individuals in 2000, 60% were highly educated. Vocational Training is an option to increase their chances of finding a job. The provision of such vocational trainings is to serve as a valuable instrument in reducing the mismatch between the demand and supply of jobs noticeable today.

In today’s world, when technology has moved ahead by leaps and bounds, we still leave out our women. On the contrary, they should be educated and know the power of computer literacy. Computer education therefore becomes essential so that they can not only keep abreast with the current affairs, but also learn, earn and fulfill their dreams independently.

With the help of this project, we will set up a vocational training centre and a placement cell for women and adolescent females. We will provide girls and women with vocational and job-oriented courses like Basic Computer Training and other courses. These are aimed at enhancing the skill levels of female students in order to prepare them for employment in ICT (information and communications technology). We would like to set up computer equipment at five centers and are requesting your support. Each center will initially have five computers and increase as per the enrollment. Imparting computer education to the young generation, especially to girls and women, is essential for achieving their goals and dreams.

Children-free-computer-training Sustainable development & Women empowerment in Tanzania

We therefore solicit your support to help us with twenty five computer sets in five centers. The other expenditures, such as the center’s charge, electricity bills, teacher’s salary, stationery and additional expenses, will be carried out in two phases:

The students enrolled in the center will be charged a very nominal fee every month
The remaining expenses will be paid by the organization itself


To fulfill goals of development and the removal of unemployment and poverty To impart education relevant to increased production and productivity, economic development and individual prosperity To make available a skilled work force at all levels to alleviate the rural unemployment thereby helping the development of the nation To develop environmental awareness to ensure sustainable development To develop vocational aptitude, work culture, values and attitudes of the learners so as to enrich the productivity of the nation To develop entrepreneurial competencies and skills of learners for self reliance and to undertake self employment To develop vocational competencies, creative thinking in the related areas and to facilitate training To spread awareness about different job areas and to provide backgrounds for acquiring higher level training in the subjects concerned To develop personal and humanitarian consciousness, as this would help to draw out the best of their inherent abilities To provide women with vocational and job-oriented courses like Basic Computer Training and other courses To equip the female students with the knowledge required to function as professionals in the industry To enhance the skill levels of female students to prepare them for employment in the ICT labor market Target Group: women, adolescent girls and unemployed youth.

Needs of the Project

Hurumia Watoto Development Group recognizes that computer education plays a key role in every field of life. With education in cities laying emphasis on computer education and literacy, the educational institutions for females in small cities are lagging behind. HURUMIA WATOTO DEVELOPMENT Group seeks a solution to this problem. By providing computer education to females we combat gender discrimination and empower females for a better life. Females are as keen to learn these new technologies but they are unavailable to them as they are unable to access cyber cafes or computer institutes and because of the presence of males. Belonging to conservative and illiterate parents, they are not allowed due to privacy and security reasons. The other very important factor is the financial constraint which makes the parents reluctant to invest too much in education, believing that the females are only useful for marriage. Because of all these factors we are propose to set up of these centers. It will help the females increase their knowledge base and understand how to tap in to any hidden talent they may have – be it cooking, housekeeping, gardening, sewing and so on. 

Goal of the Project
The primary aim of this project is to sensitize the community towards the dangers of unemployment, which leads to poverty and neglect of education for females. The aim is also to solicit their support to lower these levels as much as possible. In achieving this aim, we hope to create opportunities for the poor and for females to apply their potential successfully by obtaining a vocational education. Due to the lack of knowledge, information and orientation in Vocational Education, grass roots level villagers cannot understand the need of immunization and the importance of growth monitoring or technique. Vocational Education supports career development and social protection of individuals, maintains competitiveness of the employed, and supports self-employment and entrepreneurship. 

Project Implementation Strategy

The basic premise of this project is self employ-ability, ownership and unleashing the power women inherently have. The project will be organized in three phases: In the 1st Phase, Hurumia Watoto Development Group will identify females interested in learning and teaching computer education. We will form a core team, create an orientation and training plan, design a curriculum around pedagogy, and select training partners. We will afford the opportunity to indigenous females who have some basic information relating to computer education, to work with us as a team. In the 2nd phase, WPDG will focus more on organizing quality computer training to selected beneficiaries by using local resources. The charges will be nominal so that a maximum number of females benefit from this program. Those selected will be required to contribute 5% of income with the aim of cultivating ownership and sustainability of the project. We will support them in the early phases to help them open their own computer centres for self employ-ability. In the 3rd and final phase, WPDG will conduct placement activities for the trainees and build financial and market linkage to establish micro-enterprises at a community level for self-employability.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The entire project will be supervised by a monitoring team and supported by documentation. The funding agency or the organization may appoint the monitoring team. Staff chosen by our organization will implement the program. The monitoring team will be selected to ensure community participation. A project manager will monitor the entire program and document the activities. An annual audit and evaluation will be conducted for the budget, and comments and actions will be made regarding the budget.

Socio-cultural & economic sustainability.

The behavioural and attitudinal changes brought in by the project among the local communities, particularly for the females, will empower them to participate actively in decision-making in all other future activities. The females will come together in a common platform to discuss their socio-cultural problems, bringing changes in age-old social habits. The project will significantly affect these women’s lives after completing the computer course and the young girls who receive the opportunity to be an instructor at the institute. We will examine how these skills can be converted into income-generating activities, livelihood security and self-employability. This will bring about much-needed confidence among them, helping them move forward towards development. Their active participation in the decision-making process, community-based planning and being an instructor will bring about ownership of the project. Hurumia Watoto Development Group will continue to play an active role in facilitating young and energetic girls and women to establish a strong link with government schemes and projects to generate the required assistance. Internal income will be generated through enrollment fees, donations, and revenues from community-based institutions. This project will motivate unemployed girls and women to start micro-enterprises at a local level and control migration. Technical sustainability Funds for the repair & maintenance of the computers will be managed by the Center in the future. “Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience.” 


More than 300 under-privileged and less-privileged poor adolescent girls will be saved from contractual labour and consequently from labour exploitation and physical and sexual torture
more than 300 under-privileged and less-privileged poor and marginalized adolescent girls will be endowed with employable skills
more than 300 under-privileged and less-privileged poor and marginalized teenage girls will be able to earn their livelihood and upgrade their socio-economic status
more than 300 under-privileged and less-privileged poor and marginalized adolescent girls will be capable of facing the reality and challenges of poverty, hunger and associated issues
more than 1500 families of poor and marginalized teenage girls will be able to free themselves from the bondage of debt
more than 100 families will be able to acquire assets and livestock, reducing poverty, hunger and dependency.

Kindergarten of Joy by Hurumia Watoto organization - 2016 - 2024

In 2016, Albert has had the idea of creating a kindergarten for children between 2 and 5 years old, at Mafinga, on the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, he gave it the name of “Kindergarten of Joy” (more on the facebook account)

The reason behind the idea is the costs of education, such as the costs of uniforms and fees, exclude the poorest children and contribute to higher drop-out and absenteeism rates. Also, the existing infrastructure is not sufficient for quality education. One of Albert’s goal is, with the money he get’s from the parents paying fees, is to have more classes to be able to welcome kids from the streets, orphans and/or abandonned by their parents and give them the opportunity to learn in a proper environment.

Albert has been renting two tiny, uncomfortable rooms in a house where the landlord is living, making his idea real. The growing number of children willing to learn, from 6 in 2016 to 29 up to now, makes the class chaotic and uneasy to have satisfactory teaching.

Kindergarten of joy - room - sustainable tourism world community

The results are already good, the kids learn how to read, write, count in English, kiswahili being the main language spoken, english language being taught by the end of Primary schools. They also learn how to draw, paint, sing, and how to improve some of their behaviour.

Fabienne (a French volunteer in Tanzania) joined Albert, they made plans to improve the space and the activities for the children, for example they intend to  provide computer, art and workcraft classes, outside activities like having a small vegetable garden for educational purposes.  They also have temporary solutions for problems affecting the building of the first 2 rooms of the “Kindergarten of Joy”.

Albert asked for a quote from a local Head Fundi (expert in building houses), to build two classes (as a start) for the Kindergarten of Joy.
The donations would be used for the following items:
$100 can buy rocks ( 2 truckload) .
$50 can buy sand( 1 truckload)
$35 can by 1 window grille
$25 can buy 10, 4*2 woods
$20 can buy 4 iron roofing sheets
$10 can buy 2 bag of cement in Tanzania. 

In 2017 there was already an update about the project from Albert 

The project goes well, we have been able to collect children learning materials, improve our learning environment and we have been able to get more children now we have 56 children, from the fundraising we have been able to collect 3029 Euro, which we used in buying a land which we will build classes, we cleaned the land,and collect all the woods for cooking at the kindergarten, now we make a fence for concrete things also done, this is a short of what we have been accomplished,thank you all for support”. 

Mkuru Training Camp – Skills for a sustainable future - 2015

I have the pleasure to introduce you to Mkuru Training Camp. I collaborate in Italy with Istituto Oikos and I discovered this beautiful place / project and I am happy to help Oikos to promote it. I am sure you’ll love it too.

Mkuru Training Camp (MTC) is a field station where knowledge and good practices of water, soil, forests, wildlife and energy management are developed and promoted, in collaboration with the Mkuru community, to ensure the long term maintenance of the natural systems and thus a future to local people.

MTC was established in 2003 by Istituto Oikos (Milano, Italy), in collaboration with Oikos East Africa, the University of Insubria (Varese, Italy) and the local authorities and communities, as a base camp and training field station in Northern Tanzania.

It is located in Mkuru subvillage (Uwiro Village), at the foothills of Mount Meru, just outside Arusha National Park, in a strategic position within the complex, fragile and beautiful Meru-Kilimanjaro natural system.

The camp has always offered vocational trainings, literacy courses and awareness raising initiatives with the goal of increasing the local population skills in managing their natural resources and in making a living out of their sustainable use. Three income generating activities in the renewable energy, handicraft and eco-tourism sectors have been started and are currently independently managed by local people, giving employment to about 300 people.

In 2011 Oikos decided to open the MTC facilities to a wider public: Mkuru Training Camp became a nonprofit independent organization engaged in the challenge of bringing people together from all over the world to share and strengthen the Mkuru experience, join forces with the local communities to support their challenging path towards sustainability and spread the main achievements in Tanzania and abroad.

MTC project is now closed but is was a living laboratory and an educational hub open to different communities: local people and foreigners, students, researchers, businesses and public institutions committed to build knowledge, foster innovation and share experiences to guarantee a fair management of the natural and cultural heritage of the area.

Sara 🙂


Mkuru Training Camp – Arusha – Kilimanjaro


Mkuru Training Camp is located 8 Km from Arusha National Park, within the Meru-Kilimanjaro ecosystem, which is, in turn, sited within one of the most important biodiversity areas of the country: the Maasai Steppe, a territory traditionally inhabited by Maasai nomad shepherds and extending for more than 200,000 km2 within the East African Rift Valley, from the Turkana Lake, in Kenya, to central Tanzania.

From Mkuro Training Camp is possible to reach the Arusha National Park in 20 minutes and a few hours the most beautiful National Parks of Eastern Africa: Mkomazi, Kilimanjaro, Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti.

Challenges to conservation and development
In Tanzania, 89% of its population still lives on less than two dollars per day, and more than 14 million people have no access to safe water.
The Meru-Kilimanjaro area is no exception: over the years, the Mount Meru forests and fertile foothills have been over-exploited to meet the needs of a fast-growing population.

Even though most of the catchment forest is preserved within Arusha National Park, human encroachment is very high. As a result, the agroecosystems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to rainfall shortages, droughts and climate instability.
Consequently, land degradation and soil erosion are reducing the natural assets, and Mount Meru’s capacity to provide the ecosystem services that lie at the heart of the livelihood of the local people is declining, as is demonstrated by the recurrent food crises (2005, 2007 and 2009) and the increasing conflicts over resource use.
The MTC experience aims to maintain Mount Meru’s natural capital capacity to satisfy local needs and promote strategies and technologies to ensure that the rural population can make a living out of its environment without depleting the natural capital.
The Meru-Kilimanjaro ecosystem provides vital environmental services for at least 290,000 people. Yet, at the same time, the system is intrinsically fragile. This fragility is exacerbated by climate change hazards, inappropriate land management practices and the increasing pressure on natural resources due to population increase.
These constraints, associated with poor technical knowledge and assistance and lack of land use planning, are causing concrete challenges to the economic and ecological sustainability of both agriculture and livestock keeping and are threatening livelihood to such an extent that out-migration is rapidly increasing, especially among young Maasai.
A  thorough understanding of the main hazards to long-term ecosystem conservation is a pre-condition to developing a strategy capable of addressing the significant environmental challenges and guaranteeing a future for the local population.

Are you interested to know more?
#AskSTW by Sara Vitali about: 

#sustainabletourism consultancy,
#socialmedia strategies for tourism sector & linked sustainable, responsible, green or eco businesses;
#sustainabledevelopment through tourism.