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Ecotourism in Lake Como Area

Lago di Piano Nature Reserve

The Lago di Piano natural reserve is one of the protected areas of the Lombardia and is recognised as a Site of Communitarian Importance by the European Union.

The office are seated in the small town of Carlazzo, on the shores of the lake named Lago di Piano. 

It boasts a remarkably varied ecosystem , where different habitats coesixt closely. The Reserve presents, within its boundaries, a true and complete synthesis of the surrounding landscape. There are also many well-preserved evidences of man’s local history, for example the high-medieval rural hamlet of Castel S.Pietro.

Many arboreal and floral species can be found in the marsh with abundance of common and rare ones. The fauna counts over 130 different bird species and several mammals.

The charming park is set against the uncultivated slopes of Mt Calbiga. Towering over the lake, Mt Calbiga can be considered a true ‘green lung’ that due to its scarce human population, guarantees shelter and space to all species, animal and vegetal. 

Lago Piano reserve visiting Lake Piano - Italy

Pian di Spagna Nature Reserve: a jewel North of Lake Como

During an afternoon last May (2013), I went to Pian di Spagna and Lake Mezzola Nature Reserve, a beautiful wetland between Lake Como and Lake Mezzola.

Pian di Spagna Nature Reserve was established with the resolution of the Regional Council no. 86 of 30/11/83. It was founded to ensure, in the spirit of the Ramsar Convention (IRAN, 1971), a suitable environment for the stopping and nesting of migratory birds. Furthermore, the aim of the reserve is the safeguard and maintain the action of the natural and landscape features of the wetland, to regulate the visit of the protected area with didactic-recreational purposes, to bring under control the local social and economic activities, and respect the environment conservation needs.

Here you can observe several different species of birds throughout the year. In addition, due to the position close to the Alps, many birds stop here to rest during their migrations.

Pian di Spagna and Lake Mezzola Nature Reserve is an exciting alternative to Lake Como: inside and around the reserve, you can birdwatch, take guided tours, walk, cycle, or take a boat tour.

July 2018 Updates: a few years ago, I discovered that renting an electric boat and going around the Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola reserve is possible. It is also possible to rent a bike and follow the cycle path arriving in Morbegno.

Lake Como Pian di Spagna nature Reserve

Sara – tourism sector consultant

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