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Sustainable Tourism News: Queensland tourist Regions supported to achieve globally recognised ECO Destination Certification


Sustainable Tourism News: Queensland tourist Regions supported to achieve globally recognised ECO Destination Certification In Italy, we keep discussing it..meanwhile in other counties, even if perfection does not exist.. Ecotourism Australia welcomes the announcement of the Eco-certified Tourism Destination program by the Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (QTIS) in august, providing up […]

Are you familiar with the GRI criteria for measuring corporate social responsibility?​

In this period (August/September), I wanted to delve into the subject of GRI standards because I consider them a very important tool for assessing the starting performance and subsequently the improvement or deterioration of the activity we are analysing. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international non-profit organisation founded in 1997 in Boston to […]

Sustainable Tourism News: Ecotourism Australia 

Sustainable Tourism News: Ecotourism Australia Australian destinations recognised for global tourism sustainability standards Wadandi Pibelmen Country/Margaret River, Western AustraliaImage: Margaret River Discovery Co I am happy to share the press release I received from Ecotourism Australia mentioning two more destinations to achieve the globally recognised standard. Destinations across Australia are driving a national shift toward […]

Digital pollution, what is, and how to reduce it?

The reasons that made me want to know more about the topic of digital pollution are: the simplicity of managing daily online activities,the knowledge of how sites and platforms work (servers, energy demand, need for raw materials),the increased digitisation that has taken place in the last two years,The desire to stop cutting trees for paper […]

What are greenhouse gases, and how can we reduce them?


In April (2022) I wanted to explore a topic that is very close to my heart: greenhouse gases, and in particular the relationship between these gases and the phenomenon of climate change. I chose this topic mainly because in the last few months we have been hearing more and more about the concept of carbon […]