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Overtourism: Venice and Europe in 2022

Venice view_ November 2022 by Sara Vitali

Overtourism: Venice and Europe in 2022 I was in Venice in November, and apart from a much broader view of the lagoon (without huge boats), I have to say that as I imagined, the feeling of crowds, to use a term now in common usage, or more generally of ‘full of people’, ‘crowd bathing’ accompanied […]

Plastic sector in Italy and Europe

Plastic sector in Italy and Europe Today I wanted to delve into and share the topic of plastics, trying to stay as much as possible within the Italian, or at most European, framework.  The report published in April 2022 by ECCO the Italian climate think tank is very useful and provided most of the information […]

Sustainable Tourism News: Queensland tourist Regions supported to achieve globally recognised ECO Destination Certification


Sustainable Tourism News: Queensland tourist Regions supported to achieve globally recognised ECO Destination Certification In Italy, we keep discussing it..meanwhile in other counties, even if perfection does not exist.. Ecotourism Australia welcomes the announcement of the Eco-certified Tourism Destination program by the Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (QTIS) in august, providing up […]

Are you familiar with the GRI criteria for measuring corporate social responsibility?​

In this period (August/September), I wanted to delve into the subject of GRI standards because I consider them a very important tool for assessing the starting performance and subsequently the improvement or deterioration of the activity we are analysing. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international non-profit organisation founded in 1997 in Boston to […]

Valuetur Interreg Project

This is an interesting INTERREG project between Spain and Portugal.In Rio Tinto, the added value is related to the fact that space agencies from all over the world have conducted several tests here to test equipment, suits and other facilities for space travel. Thus, they used this opportunity to create a tourism product, making the […]